Friday 24 May 2019

William Pike Challenge Rafting Reflection

On Wednesday we went Rafting We had to get dressed in this special equipment for rafting then we got in some vans to get to the Arnold River. Once we got there Alex Played some games with us while we wait for the guides to set up the rafts, after the guides had set up the rafts they talked us through the safety instructions on what to do if you ever fall out of the raft Shortle after they explained the safety instructions they had sorted out who was in which boat I was with Declyn and Kade and we also had the best guides who were Ruben and Austin.

As we get in the water we let the other two rafts go in front then we had gone as soon as we got to the middle of the river we started at a slow start the after the first corner we had hit some small rapids then further down the river we had a stopped to have some morning tea then as soon as everyone had finished we jumped back on to the river than further down from where we had morning tea we had hit some big rapids that where really bumpy, once the river got calm Rubben told us a story about good old Andrew, who loved tractors after the story of good old Andrew Rubben told us about the legendary Hot Raro.

“Here comes the pyramid rock hold on,” said the guide“Woohoo! yelled everyone” as we nearly fall out the raft.

While we pull up to the side of the river so the guides pull out the rafts Alex plays a game with us After the game had finished and everything had been packed up we hoped in the Van and ate our launch while Ruben was telling us jokes like. Why did the pancake cross the road … he could get a flatmate…….. Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill…. To get to the bottom….
Why did the toilet paper stop rolling down the hill….. Because it got stuck in a crack. Once we got to the rafting place we got dressed and gave all our
Gear that we borrowed back to the guides then sai and left for school.

Friday 10 May 2019


In maths this week we made tessellations, a tessellation is a continues pattern.